![]() Hyatt International MinistriesTaking Spiritual Awakening & Biblical Thinking to the Nationswith Drs. Eddie & Susan Hyatt & FriendsJOURNEY THROUGH REVIVALThis course is an in-depth study of revival movements from the day of Pentecost to the present time. Principals and patterns are observed, weaknesses and errors are identified, and lessons are drawn for application today. Emphasis is given to studying the people who were instrumental in these Awakenings. The student will come away from this course with a greater appreciation for the work of the Holy Spirit in history and a sharpened sense to discern what God is doing in the Church today.
Free Download: The Textbook & Study Guide 2000 Years of Charismatic Christianity is used as a textbook in Bible colleges and seminaries around the world. It documents revival/renewal movements from the Day of Pentecost to the present time and analyzes their impact on the larger Christian community. The study guide contains outlines, photos, essays, diagrams, study questions and a suggested syllabus. Designed to be used with the textbook, 2000 Years of Charismatic Christianity, it offers a comprehensive and systematic study of church history from a Pentecostal-Charismatic (Revival) perspective.